Books for Cooks

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Book store
Books for Cooks
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Notting Hill’s charming Books for Cooks specialises in recipe books and assorted food-related tomes such as foodie fiction, history books and more. The bookstore’s literary larder holds a changing selection of over 8,000 titles. What’s more, the store tests the recipes on a daily basis. In the small kitchen in the back, the chef follows the instructions in the cookbooks on sale to serve various dishes and treats. Seating and quantities are limited, however, as this is still a bookstore rather than a bookstoraunt.

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Where is Books for Cooks?

Books for Cooks is located at 4 Blenheim Cres, W11 1NN, Notting Hill. Nearby is Portobello Rd, London. Nearest Underground station is Ladbroke Grove (approximately 300m away).