Aioli Tapasbar

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Tapas restaurant
Aioli Tapasbar
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Aioli Tapasbar is a bar, restaurant and event venue on Hantverkaregatan 1 Linköping.

I en varm och avslappnad atmosfär kan man njuta av ett stort utbud med välsmakande tapas och större rätter. Här finns även en trevlig bar som bjuder in till AW-häng med kollegor och vänner.

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What type of bar is Aioli Tapasbar?

We have categorised Aioli Tapasbar as:

  • Wine bar
  • Cocktail bar
  • Beer bar

What kind of food is served at Aioli Tapasbar?

We have categorised the cuisine at Aioli Tapasbar as:

  • Spanish
  • Tapas
  • Vegetarian

What is the cost of dining at Aioli Tapasbar?

We have categorised Aioli Tapasbar in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

What is the atmosphere like at Aioli Tapasbar?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Aioli Tapasbar as cosy.

Does Aioli Tapasbar have outdoor seating?

Yes, Aioli Tapasbar offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Where is Aioli Tapasbar?

Aioli Tapasbar is located at Hantverkaregatan 1, 582 23.