Çok Najs City

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Fast food restaurant
Çok Najs
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Çok Najs City is a restaurant and bar on Platensgatan 3 Linköping.

På Çok Najs kan du äta döner kebab, kyckling och falafel, samt sörpla på Çok-tails och ställets egen Çok Najs Lager.

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What type of bar is Çok Najs City?

We have categorised Çok Najs as:

  • Beer bar
  • Wine bar
  • Cocktail bar

What kind of food is served at Çok Najs City?

We have categorised the cuisine at Çok Najs as:

  • Kebab
  • Fast food
  • Middle Eastern

Is Çok Najs City child-friendly?

Yes, we have categorised Çok Najs as a restaurant suitable for bringing your kids.

Can I order takeaway from Çok Najs City?

Yes, you can order food to go from Çok Najs.

Does Çok Najs City have outdoor seating?

Yes, Çok Najs City offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Where is Çok Najs City?

Çok Najs City is located at Platensgatan 3, 582 20.