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Mexican restaurant
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Cakeriet is a café and restaurant on Masttorget 3, Västra hamnområdet/Malmö Centrum in Malmö.

Cakeriet är en kombination av restaurang och café som serverar autentisk mexikansk mat samt mexikanska och amerikanska desserter såsom churros och cheesecakes. De har även en solig uteservering på torget.

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What kind of food is served at Cakeriet?

We have categorised the cuisine at Cakeriet as:

  • Mexican

Is Cakeriet child-friendly?

Yes, we have categorised Cakeriet as a restaurant suitable for bringing your kids.

Does Cakeriet have outdoor seating?

Yes, Cakeriet offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Does Cakeriet serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Cakeriet.

Where is Cakeriet?

Cakeriet is located at Masttorget 3, 211 77, Västra hamnområdet, Malmö Centrum.