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£ Mexican restaurant Korean restaurant
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Scania is a restaurant and bar on Bergsgatan 18, Möllan in Malmö.

Det mexikanska och koreanska köket förenas här i ett crossoverkoncept inspirerat av den amerikanska västkustens streetfoodkultur. Tänk burritos fyllda med bland annat kimchi, eller en bibimbap toppad med tostadachips. Till det kan man exempelvis dricka en mexikansk öldrink eller testa någon annan av barens över 35 olika tequila-sorter. Sommartid finns även uteservering.

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What type of bar is Scania?

We have categorised Scania as:

  • Cocktail bar

What kind of food is served at Scania?

We have categorised the cuisine at Scania as:

  • Latin American
  • Spicy
  • Mexican
  • Korean

What is the cost of dining at Scania?

We have categorised Scania in the price range Budget (£).

Does Scania have outdoor seating?

Yes, Scania offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their drinks outside.

Does Scania serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Scania.

Where is Scania?

Scania is located at Bergsgatan 18, Möllan. Nearby is Möllevångstorget.