Christmas is a big draw in London each year, but there's more to winter in the capital than just the holiday season. Once the lights are taken down and the ornaments put away, there are plenty of great things to do in London in winter, from seasonal delights to timeless London favourites that take on new significance when the days are short and the temperatures low. Discover the best winter activities in London with the help of our guide.

The best winter activities in London
The best things to do in London during winter
1Ice skating Slide and glide your way around the city
2Walks Hike the winter blues away
3Shopping Take advantage of winter discounts
4Museums & art galleries Learn while taking refuge from the rain
5Indoor golf Work on your swing
6VR experiences Escape to a dream world
7Theatres & musicals Watch some of the finest actors in the world
8Spas Pamper yourself
9Concerts Enjoy one of the countless gigs
10Competitive socialising Get some friendly competition going
11Tea salons Have a nice cuppa
12Igloos Cosy up in a lovely winter pod
13Veganuary Take plant-based dining for a spin
14Lunar New Year Welcome in the new lunar year
15Flip Out Jump around like crazy
16WWT London Wetland Centre Winter adventures in the wetlands
17Kew Gardens See Kew Garden's winter flora
18Sea Life It's better down where it's wetter
19Warner Bros. Studio Tour London A dash of winter magic
Jump to
The best things to do in London during winter
Top winter activities in London

Slide and glide your way around the city
Come late autumn, ice rinks start sprouting up across the capital like mushrooms. Ice skating is a top winter activity in London, perfect for families, couples, or friends, with seasonal outdoor rinks in picturesque locations and year-round indoor options. Our guide highlights the city's best rinks for a seamless skating experience.
Alexandra Palace Way, Haringey Lea Bridge Road, Waltham Forest 17 QueenswayAlexandra Park & Palace
Alexandra Palace Way, HaringeyLee Valley Ice Centre
Lea Bridge Road, Waltham ForestQueens London
17 Queensway -
Alexandra Park & Palace
alexandrapalace.comLee Valley Ice Centre London
queens.londonAlexandra Park & Palace
020-836 521 21Lee Valley Ice Centre
0300-003 06 24Queens London
020-722 901 72 -
Alexandra Park & Palace Lee Valley Ice Centre Queens London Where to go ice skating in London

Hike the winter blues away
Despite the UK's less than stellar reputation when it comes to weather, winter in London is generally pretty mild. If you're the outdoorsy type, there are plenty of spots in the city to enjoy a brisk, refreshing hike in nature. It might not be as traditionally pretty as a summer stroll in lush foliage, but winter's desolate landscapes have their own kind of charm. Our guide highlights the best walks in London.
Hampstead Heath, Hampstead Florence Road, Haringey Victoria Park, Tower HamletsHampstead Heath
Hampstead Heath, HampsteadParkland Walk
Florence Road, HaringeyVictoria Park
Victoria Park, Tower Hamlets -
Hampstead Heath Walk Park Walk
020-752 743 74 -
Hampstead Heath Parkland Walk Victoria Park Guide to London's loveliest walks

Take advantage of winter discounts
If you've still got the will – and the budget – to go shopping after the gift-buying sprees of Christmas, you can find great bargains during the annual winter sales. Starting on Boxing Day and lasting until mid-January, the winter sales help shops offload seasonal stock and clear the shelves in anticipation of warmer months, so it's a great time to stock up on winter gear. Our guide to shopping in London highlights some of the best shops in the city.
181 Piccadilly, Mayfair Regent Street, Soho 109-125 Knightsbridge, BelgraviaFortnum & Mason Piccadilly
181 Piccadilly, MayfairLiberty London
Regent Street, SohoHarvey Nichols Knightsbridge
109-125 Knightsbridge, Belgravia -
Fortnum & Mason Piccadilly
fortnumandmason.comLiberty London
libertylondon.comHarvey Nichols Knightsbridge & Mason Piccadilly
020-773 480 40Liberty London
020-389 330 62Harvey Nichols Knightsbridge
020-723 550 00 -
Fortnum & Mason Piccadilly Liberty London Harvey Nichols Knightsbridge Guide to shopping in London

Learn while taking refuge from the rain
When the weather is uncooperative, as it so often is during the winter months, there's a host of great places to hide out from the rain and keep the whole family busy. London boasts some of the best museums and art galleries in the world, covering everything from general history and natural science to more niche subjects such as gardens, ragged schools, or street art. Best of all, most of them are free.
Cromwell Road, Kensington Bankside, Southwark Exhibition Road, KensingtonNatural History Museum
Cromwell Road, KensingtonTate Modern
Bankside, SouthwarkScience Museum
Exhibition Road, Kensington -
Natural History Museum Modern Museum History Museum
020-794 250 00Tate Modern
020-788 788 88Science Museum
033-005 800 58 -
Natural History Museum Tate Modern Science Museum The best museums in London The best art galleries in London

Work on your swing
Winter isn't really the best time to be hitting the links at your local golf club. Instead hit up one of the various indoor golf centres found across London. Our guide highlights different VR golf simulators and indoor driving ranges and putting greens you can take advantage of to make sure your swing is ready come the golfing season proper.
12 Smithfield Street, The City/City of London 88 Leadenhall Street, The City/City of London 12 Meard Street, SohoUrban Golf
12 Smithfield Street, The City/City of LondonTee Box Leadenhall
88 Leadenhall Street, The City/City of LondonPitch Soho
12 Meard Street, Soho -
Urban Golf Box Leadenhall Soho Golf
020-724 886 00Tee Box Leadenhall
020-787 063 42Pitch Soho
020-762 894 24 -
Urban Golf Tee Box Leadenhall Pitch Soho Where to play indoor golf in London

Escape to a dream world
Speaking of simulators, if you find London in winter unbearable but can't afford the time or money to go on holiday somewhere nicer, a couple of hours in virtual reality might help take the load off. Whether you're fighting off a zombie invasion with your friends, chasing down competitors in your race car, or simply taking in the sights in a fantastical digital world, VR offers a whole lot of fun without the risks, costs, or logistical issues usually associated with such activities.
The Post Building, Museum St, Bloomsbury BOXPARK Wembley, Wembley Park, Wembley/Brent 18 Arches Lane, Vauxhall/BatterseaSandbox VR Covent Garden
The Post Building, Museum St, BloomsburyMeetspace VR London
BOXPARK Wembley, Wembley Park, Wembley/BrentDNA VR Battersea
18 Arches Lane, Vauxhall/Battersea -
Sandbox VR Covent Garden VR London VR Battersea VR Covent Garden
020-708 230 01Meetspace VR London
08-000 886 911DNA VR Battersea
020-450 398 05 -
Sandbox VR Covent Garden Meetspace VR London DNA VR Battersea The best VR experiences in London

Watch some of the finest actors in the world
The long winter nights are perfect for catching up on any theatrical productions you might have missed out on, whether it's long-running classics or new productions that are only on for a limited time. London's West End is one of the top theatre districts in the world, and you can regularly see star actors in excellent productions here. Check out our guides for hot tips on the best theatres and musicals in London.
Upper Ground, South Bank/Southwark 17 Wilton Rd, Westminster 66 The Cut, South Bank/SouthwarkNational Theatre
Upper Ground, South Bank/SouthwarkApollo Victoria Theatre
17 Wilton Rd, WestminsterYoung Vic
66 The Cut, South Bank/Southwark -
National Theatre Victoria Theatre
theapollovictoria.comYoung Vic
youngvic.orgNational Theatre
020-398 954 55Apollo Victoria Theatre
033-300 966 90Young Vic
020-792 229 22 -
National Theatre Apollo Victoria Theatre Young Vic Guide to the best theatres in London The best musicals in London

Pamper yourself
It might be cold and unpleasant outside, but a nice spa will have you feeling all warm and fuzzy in no time. Relax with a massage, soak in a hot tub, raise your body temperature in the sauna, and enjoy a soothing cup of herbal tea afterwards in one of London's many pampering palaces, as highlighted in our guide to the city's best spas.
1 Grosvenor Gardens 19 Old Park Lane, Mayfair 14 Chapel Market, IslingtonThe Bath House
1 Grosvenor GardensComo Shambhala
19 Old Park Lane, Mayfair7 Day Spa
14 Chapel Market, Islington -
The Bath House Shambhala Day Spa Bath House
020-390 620 60Como Shambhala
020-744 757 507 Day Spa
020-783 719 45 -
The Bath House Como Shambhala 7 Day Spa The best spas in London

Enjoy one of the countless gigs
Music festival season might still be a ways away, but in London, the music never really stops, even in the deepest, darkest winter. Winter is a great time to make your way around London's venerable club venues, cherry-picking intimate gigs by stars from all around the world and leaving the stadium bashes and park festivals for the summer.
211 Stockwell Rd, Brixton 54 Holywell Ln, Shoreditch 184 Camden High St, Camden TownO2 Academy Brixton
211 Stockwell Rd, BrixtonVillage Underground
54 Holywell Ln, ShoreditchElectric Ballroom
184 Camden High St, Camden Town -
O2 Academy Brixton Underground Ballroom Academy Brixton
020-777 130 00Electric Ballroom
020-748 590 07 -
O2 Academy Brixton Village Underground Electric Ballroom The best live music venues in London

Have a nice cuppa
Tea hits different in winter, and few things can match the cosiness of wrapping your cold fingers around a steaming hot mug of tea. With the British having a reputation as big tea drinkers, there's no shortage of great tea salons to be found in London. Stick out a dainty pinkie, ready some biscuits, and read our hottest tea tips (pun intended) in London.
139 Vauxhall Walk, Vauxhall/Lambeth Seven Dials Market, 35 Earlham Street, Covent Garden 90-92 West Yard, Camden Market, Camden TownTea House Theatre
139 Vauxhall Walk, Vauxhall/LambethChai Guys Covent Garden
Seven Dials Market, 35 Earlham Street, Covent GardenCamden Tea Bar
90-92 West Yard, Camden Market, Camden Town -
Tea House Theatre Guys Covent Garden
chaiguys.shopCamden Tea Bar
camdentea.shopTea House Theatre
020-720 745 85 -
Tea House Theatre Chai Guys Covent Garden Camden Tea Bar The best places for tea in London

Cosy up in a lovely winter pod
The mere thought of outdoor dining in London in winter might have you running for the snowy hills, but hear us out. The various winter pods that sprout up across London during wintertime are cosy little havens where you can snug up with a nice meal, a warm drink, and a loved one, observing the unpleasantness outside from the comfort your own igloo. It's a lovely winter take on outdoor dining that's sure to charm.
Royal London House, 22-25 Finsbury Square, Shoreditch 3 Three Quays Walk, Lower Thames Street, The City/City of London 10 George Street, Canary Wharf/Tower HamletsAviary Rooftop Restaurant & Terrace Bar
Royal London House, 22-25 Finsbury Square, ShoreditchCoppa Club Tower
3 Three Quays Walk, Lower Thames Street, The City/City of LondonMMy Wood Wharf
10 George Street, Canary Wharf/Tower Hamlets -
Coppa Club Tower Wood Wharf Rooftop Restaurant & Terrace Bar
aviarylondon.comCoppa Club Tower
020-801 692 27Aviary Rooftop Restaurant & Terrace Bar
020-387 340 60 -
Coppa Club Tower MMy Wood Wharf Aviary Rooftop Restaurant & Terrace Bar The best igloos and winter pods in London

Take plant-based dining for a spin
You might be a vegan lifer, or you might just be looking to offset the excesses of December – either way, January is a good time to focus on plant-based dining. Loads of restaurants across London, vegan and non-vegan alike, serve special Veganuary deals and menu items throughout the month. Discover the best offers or change up lunch at your favourite spot with the help of our guide to Veganuary in London.
34 Charlotte Street, Fitzrovia BFI Stephen Street, FitzroviaPied à Terre
34 Charlotte Street, FitzroviaStudio Gauthier
BFI Stephen Street, Fitzrovia -
Pied à Terre Gauthier à Terre
020-763 611 78Studio Gauthier
020-813 290 88 -
Pied à Terre Studio Gauthier Guide to Veganuary in London

Welcome in the new lunar year
Chinese New Year, aligned with the lunar cycle, varies annually in date; in 2025, it commences on 28 January and spans seven days, with the first day being particularly significant. Marking the Year of the Snake, it symbolises introspection, intuition, and adaptability. London hosts one of the largest Chinese New Year celebrations outside Asia, featuring a range of activities including workshops, lion dances, and various culinary experiences.
- Date: 28 January–3 February

Jump around like crazy
Flip Out offers an exhilarating indoor adventure playground perfect for both kids and adults, making it an ideal choice for family fun regardless of the weather. The various locations around London features a variety of activities, including trampolines, ninja playgrounds, bumper cars, roller rinks, slides, and more.
Unit 7 Staples Corner Retail Park, Geron Way, Barnet Cabot Square, Canary Wharf/Tower Hamlets 281 Barking Road, Newham Centrale Shopping Centre, Frith Road, CroydonFlip Out Brent Cross
Unit 7 Staples Corner Retail Park, Geron Way, BarnetFlip Out Canary Wharf
Cabot Square, Canary Wharf/Tower HamletsFlip Out London E6
281 Barking Road, NewhamFlip Out Croydon
Centrale Shopping Centre, Frith Road, Croydon -
Flip Out Canary Wharf Out London E6 Out Croydon Out Brent Cross Out Canary Wharf
020-858 894 91Flip Out London E6
020-374 541 44Flip Out Croydon
020-346 356 86Flip Out Brent Cross
020-843 271 63 -
Flip Out Canary Wharf Flip Out London E6 Flip Out Croydon Flip Out Brent Cross
Winter adventures in the wetlands
For the most part, nature might be hibernating during winter, but the WWT London Wetland Centre is as busy as ever, with different birds making it its home during the colder months. There are all sorts of wintry art activities for all ages and abilities held throughout winter, including photography and water colour workshops, along with the usual tours, otter talks, and more.
Queen Elizabeth Walk, Barnes
WWT London Wetland Centre
020-840 944 00 - Read more on Thatsup
See Kew Garden's winter flora
Winter at Kew Gardens isn't all about the Christmas light trail. The famed botanic gardens host a free walking tour throughout the season, with an expert guide leading you through Kew's historic collections. You'll be able to see plants that not only don't mind the cold, but thrive in it, and other fascinating winter highlights.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
020-833 256 55 - Read more on Thatsup
It's better down where it's wetter
Sea Life London Aquarium on the South Bank offers an underwater adventure suitable for all ages. Boasting the UK's largest coral reef and a diverse array of marine life including penguins, octopuses, sharks, and even rainforest critters, it's a fascinating experience. Enhance your visit by attending a feeding session or an informative talk by expert staff, or participate in one of the themed events they host.
Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, South Bank/Lambeth/Southwark
Sea Life London Aquarium
020-796 780 25 - Read more on Thatsup
A dash of winter magic
The Warner Bros. film studio, home of the Harry Potter film series for over ten years, showcases original sets, props, and costumes used in the blockbuster films, meticulously preserved to capture the magic of the Harry Potter universe. Visitors can dive into the world of filmmaking with tours of original sets, animatronic creatures, and special effects. It's easily accessible from London and also undergoes seasonal transformations, such as the annual “Hogwarts in the Snow” experience.
Studio Tour Drive, Leavesden, Watford
Warner Bros. Studio Tour London
08-006 404 550 - Read more on Thatsup