A new exhibition in the heart of London highlights vibrant Black British artists

“The Future is Now Part II: Re/Form~ation” is an innovative exhibition delving into the profound dialogue between material and form. The group exhibition showcases how artmaking can challenge outdated paradigms and transform everyday objects into powerful artistic expressions.

"The Woman" by Asiko, courtesy of CasildArt

Located at CasildArt, the exhibition features seven vibrant Black British artists and explores the themes of worldmaking and legacy. By utilising various materials such as glass, wood, textiles, and tissue paper, these artists create new worlds and narratives, pushing the boundaries of form and reshaping perspectives on Black experiences, art, and culture. “The Future is Now Part II: Re/Form~ation” also includes a sculpture by glass artist Christopher Day, which he has created exclusively for the gallery. Other artists featured are Asiko, Donald Baugh, Othello De Souza, Elaine Mullings, Maggie Scott and Theresa Weber.

“The Future is Now Part II: Re/Form~ation” is open to the public from 26 July to 7 September. Admission is free. You can book your spot here.