Cinnamon Club is hosting an election all-nighter in Westminster

As we're all well aware of by now, the UK has a general election coming up on 4th July, and millions across the country will probably be pulling an all-nighter to watch the results as they come in. If you want the experience to be a bit more special than staying up on the sofa with coffee and snacks, Westminster restaurant Cinnamon Club is here to help. 

The renowned Indian restaurant, located only a short distance from the Houses of Parliament, is hosting an Election Night Special, staying open from 6pm until 11am the next day so you don't miss a moment of the drama. Dinner, midnight snacks, breakfast, and drinks will be served to keep you going until the morning. There will be a big screen in the dining room so that everyone can watch the developments through the night. 

You don't need to book a ticket for this experience – all you need to do is book a table in the restaurant, with sittings available from 11.30pm until 2am. The restaurant's bar will also be open if you don't want to eat but still want to tune in to what's going on. Reservations are open now on OpenTable.