See a new exhibition of works from throughout Rodin's career

Auguste Rodin is renowned as one of the greatest sculptors of all time, and a new exhibition in the heart of the capital gives you the chance to see works from throughout his entire career. “Faces and Fables: Rodin's Portraiture, Great Commissions, Mythology, and Sculptural Innovations” runs between 20th June and 19th July at Bowman Sculpture, a central London gallery dedicated to the finest sculpture from the 19th century up to the present day. It's also the premier gallery in London for works by Rodin, making it the ideal place to see the show. 

The exhibition brings together 30 different pieces, including some of Rodin's earliest and final works. The works centre on the themes of portraiture, monumental commissions, mythological sculpture, and creative assemblage, showing how the artist pushed the boundaries before such techniques were widely recognised. 

The show includes plenty of noteworthy pieces but arguably one of the most exciting is a cast of “The Thinker”, widely considered one of the finest sculptures ever made. This is one of only six casts of the work known to have been made between 1903 and 1914. Amongst other works on display will be individual lifetime casts of figures from another renowned work, “The Berghers of Calais”. 

The exhibition is free to attend. Find out more on the Bowman Sculpture website.