Farmer J Bloomsbury

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Restaurant serving healthy food
Farmer J
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The Farmer J restaurants can be found across London, championing locally sourced produce, cooking from scratch, sustainability, and other good practices to ensure you get the real, honest food you deserve. They're known for their Fieldtrays, where you can combine various bases, mains, sides, and sauces into a box of nourishing goodness. Pre-set Fieldbowls, breakfast dishes, hot drinks, and juices are also available at their eateries.

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What kind of food is served at Farmer J Bloomsbury?

We have categorised the cuisine at Farmer J as:

  • Salads
  • Healthy food

What is the cost of dining at Farmer J Bloomsbury?

We have categorised Farmer J Bloomsbury in the price range Budget (£).

Can I order takeaway from Farmer J Bloomsbury?

Yes, you can order food to go from Farmer J.

Does Farmer J Bloomsbury serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Farmer J.

Where is Farmer J Bloomsbury?

Farmer J Bloomsbury is located at 1 Woburn Pl, WC1H 0LQ, Bloomsbury. Nearby is British Museum, London. Nearest Underground station is Russell Square (approximately 250m away).