The Salad Project Fenchurch Street

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Restaurant serving healthy food
The Salad Project
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A fast-growing, award-winning health-food concept, The Salad Project operates multiple contemporary salad bars around the city, serving up fresh, nutritious food. Committed to applying a five-star dining experience to the convenience of the grab-and-go counter, The Salad Project offers a range of flavourful salads and bowls. You can also build your own, and catering is available as well.

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What kind of food is served at The Salad Project Fenchurch Street?

We have categorised the cuisine at The Salad Project as:

  • Salads
  • Healthy food

What is the cost of dining at The Salad Project Fenchurch Street?

We have categorised The Salad Project Fenchurch Street in the price range Budget (£).

Does The Salad Project Fenchurch Street serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at The Salad Project.

Can I order takeaway from The Salad Project Fenchurch Street?

Yes, you can order food to go from The Salad Project.

Where is The Salad Project Fenchurch Street?

The Salad Project Fenchurch Street is located at 30 Fenchurch Street, EC3M 1HS, The City, City of London. Nearby is London Bridge, London. Nearest Underground station is Monument (approximately 200m away).