Planning Your Next Trip to The Netherlands: A Destination with Unparalleled Activities

Whenever you want to head to a place with a lot of interesting things to do, it might be interesting to get out of your home country and move towards the Netherlands! They’ve got a lot of unique sites, wonderful activities, and a general vibe that can make it perfect for any vacation.


But if you are like most people, you get overwhelmed without a travel plan. Then you’ve got dozens of activities that you can do, but no idea what you should do! Thankfully, there are articles like this that allow you to find some of the best places to visit on your vacation!

Bitcoin Embassy of The Netherlands (That Has Been Closed)

Cryptocurrencies do not have a long story, since they are one of the latest innovations in the tech world. Being adopted by many industries in this short period, they became widely popular in e-shops, sports betting, etc. There are interesting fun facts about crypto betting and related topics, but the fun fact we are going to discuss here is about… an embassy.


The Bitcoin Embassy of The Netherlands was a non-profit website designed to share information with the public about Blockchain and Bitcoin. They hosted courses, meet and greets, and more in order to educate people. However, a fake embassy website and some other issues closed down the location.


But if you want to do something with Bitcoin in the Netherlands, you can do some crypto betting online. Cryptocurrency has become a fast and fun way to start placing your bets in online casinos. All you need to do is get your phone out and play whichever online game you like!

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

Alright, while cats famously hate water, there’s something to be said here. All about the sheer epicness that cats have an entire city to themselves! The Cat Boat was founded in 1966 as a home for stray cats and has since morphed into a charity capable of hosting 50 cats at a time.


The charity is kept afloat (literally) by donations, where the money helps control Amsterdam’s pet population. Additionally, human visitors can adopt a cat or simply come by to give them some pets. Whether you want to see or adopt a cat, you need to come here! It is very interesting to hear the stories surrounding the cats and see that they are cared for.


As a quick bonus, if you want to do a two-for-one feline special, you can also hit the KattenKabinet, which shows off various forms of cat-related art. A local man named Bob Meijer created it in order to honor the passing of his cat. The various forms of art are all wonderfully presented and displayed, and Meijer’s five cats roam the space to greet the visitors.

The Torture Museum

Whether you are a history buff, love darker items, or simply want to go somewhere where you can see these strange items, head to the torture museum. The Medieval era was a time when justice was often cruel, and punishment was something to be feared. There are plenty of dark and winding hallways that might feel just as dark as the macabre items on display!


From masks, hanging cages, and the chairs of the Inquisition, you will be thankful that all of these devices are in the museum where they belong! They were some of the things that made the Dark Ages so dark. It is interesting to consider what some of the crimes were that got you tortured! Thankfully, the system of justice in the Dark Ages died with the era!


Large animals like tigers and bears aren’t the only ones who need to get a zoo. There are plenty of smaller microbes and bacteria that do a lot for the planet, and they need recognition. It is high time they got a zoo and Micropia is it! Additionally, this museum capped off its 2014 opening with a visit by Queen Máxima of the Netherlands.


The museum shows all sorts of cultures of bacteria and other microbes. They even have a scanner that shows you all the microbes on your body and what they do. There is even a microbiology lab on site that manages the entire museum and the exhibits. The lights in the exhibition come from the displays as well. This gives the entire museum a nice and eerie vibe as you look at all the bacteria.


If you want to see the amazing and often invisible world of what goes on around us, then Micropia is a wonderful place to visit!

Enjoy Your Time In The Netherlands

Finally, don’t be afraid to just walk the streets. The Netherlands is a wonderful place and it has a lot of hidden adventures that are wonderful to take on, but don’t forget to enjoy where you are.


Walking the streets and spending your time around the people can fill you with a well-earned sense of peace. After all, a vacation is supposed to relax you, right?