"Hello... is xxx there?" säger en mycket brittisk röst i andra änden.

"Who is this?" undrar jag. Varför kan inte folk presentera sig längre?


"And who are you, Kevin?"

"A reporter from The Sun."

"So, Kevin, from The Sun, do you have a last name so I can check your credentials?"

"Actually, I'm a freelancer."

"So you, Kevin, you don't work for The Sun?"

"No, I sell stories to them."

"Give me one of those stories... a link or something... so I can check it out."

"Sighs... well... I'm yet to be published with The Sun."

"Hmm, Kevin. You don't work for them... you don't have any stories published in their magazine? Hmm... I would say you've had a pretty shitty start in this phone call. Are you sure you're a journalist?"

"I am... so is xxx there?"

"No, he's out eating cheese. "

"When will he be back?"

"Hard to say... when xxx goes out on these cheeseruns he tends to disappear for months. Last time we had to call Nasa to get him home from orbit."

"Very well, a funny man... ha fucking ha... I'll just put that stupid answer in the article."

"YES! Do that! And don't forget to mail me a link!"

"I won't."

"Perfect! WOA! Your first article, Kevin! I'll send you some cheese so you can celebrate!"


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EPIC quote of the day: "Hard to say... when xxx goes out on these cheeseruns he tends to disappear for months. Last time we had to call Nasa to get him home from orbit."

Jag kan inte sluta garva :D

Hahaha, genialt!

Älskar när folk driver med skojare som alltid ska ringa och störa. Kolla in detta, så jävla underbart: existenz.se/out.php?id=4357

· Reply to Lina

Har haft Tom Mabe i ett inlägg en gång. Det där är han absolut bästa busringning!!!

LOL, underbart.
Say cheese!

· Reply to JB


haha hade skrattat arslet av mig om du publicerade en länk från the sun med din kommentar.....

· Reply to Dr.Dum

Jag bevakar tidningen och min mailbox. Fast det brukar bara vara snack från dessa snubbar.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyph_DZa_GQ borde tillämpas på kevin.

· Reply to paqe

