Peckham Fringe brings exciting new theatre to South London

When you think of a fringe festival, the world-famous event in Edinburgh is probably the first thing that springs to mind. However, you don't have to go all the way to Scotland if you want to enjoy exciting and innovative new shows. Peckham Fringe takes place between 1st May and 8th June, bringing a whole host of new shows to the stage. 

Theatre Peckham is the venue at the heart of the action, but shows are taking place in a number of spaces in the area. The festival champions local writers and performers and will see a variety of plays, comedy shows, and monologues taking place in the area. The diverse range of shows taking place includes performances that examine beauty standards, spoken word performances exploring race, identity, and home, open mic nights, and plays aimed at children. 

Have a look at the Theatre Peckham website to find out about the line-up of shows for this year's festival and to book your tickets. 

Peckham Fringe X Bangtail