Somerset House to host the leading fair for contemporary craft and design Collect 2024

The prominent Strand arts centre will be hosting Collect 2024, a craft and design fair representing the pinnacle of artistry and creativity, for four days. 

The Collect fair has been going for strong for two decades and is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. At the 2024 edition, held at Somerset House from 29 February to 3 March, specialist galleries, dealers, and collectives will be displaying pieces by 400 artists from all over the world, including new works commissioned especially for the fair. Visitors will be able to acquire museum-quality handcrafted artworks by seriously talented craftspeople working with a varied array of both traditional and non-traditional materials – lacquer, precious metals, textiles, resin, cornstarch, and more.

Prices for individual pieces at the fair will range from £500 to £50,000, with the first day of the fair, 29 February, open for private viewing only. The remaining three days are open to the public, with tickets starting at £21. You can find out more and book here.