Serpentine Galleries Serpentine Galleries

The 2024 Serpentine Pavilion has been unveiled

The unveiling of the Serpentine Pavilion at Serpentine Galleries is a highlight in London's cultural calendar each year. The 2024 pavilion is titled “Archipelagic Void” and is designed by Korean architect Minsuk Cho. The star-like structure features five unique islands around a central space, connecting Serpentine Galleries' South Gallery with open walkways around the park. Each island serves a different function and has features like soundscapes, performance space, and a library.

The pavilion will be opened to the public on 7th June and remain open to visitors until 27th October. It's free to visit and you're welcome to just walk-up without booking in advance. Events like talks and curator tours of the pavilion are taking place too.

  • Period
  • 23 Oct (Wednesday) Next occasion