The UK's biggest kebab house is about to open on Oxford Street

Kebhouze, a popular kebab chain, is about to make its mark on London after securing a prime corner spot on Oxford Street once occupied by a souvenir and vape shop—a familiar sight along the renowned Oxford Street.

Kebhouze is set to transform the entire three floors of the building into much more than just a place to pick up a kebab post-night out. It'll be a full-on entertainment haven with arcade games, table football, and eye-catching street art courtesy of renowned British artist Philip Colbert. 

The menu here is varied, featuring everything from traditional wraps to tasty kebab burgers, including things like chicken, turkey, beef, and a vegetarian option, all customisable with various toppings. The menu also includes Kebowls, a fusion of kebab meat with salads or rice. They also offer Nutella sandwiches and pancakes for those with a sweet tooth.

Kebhouze is set to open on 21 December 2023.

Photo: Kebhouze