Treat a non-vegan to a free meal at Unity Diner

Veganuary is well underway in London, with lots of restaurants across the capital launching special menus and events to help us all eat more plant-based food. One well-established vegan spot in East London is going one step further to encourage everyone to try veganism – they're giving away free meals to non-vegan diners who are up for trying something different.

Unity Diner was founded by plant-based activist Earthling Ed and is a non-profit venture serving veganised versions of diner classics. In particular, it has a major reputation for its burgers and tofu-based fish and chips. To claim a free meal for a non-vegan mate, head down to the restaurant on any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in January and order a burger or large plate. Let the team know that your friend isn't a vegan and they'll get the same meal absolutely free.

As well as the dishes and cocktails that are already popular on Unity Diner's menu, the venue has cooked up some exciting Veganuary specials so both vegans and non-vegans have the chance to try out something new. The Veganuary promotion is on at the restaurant all month long.