Next Day Solar Pop-up Shop

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Next Day Solar Pop-up Shop
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If you're in Covent Garden in the next few weeks, you might come across a unique pop-up shop. It's called Next Day Solar, and it's a temporary store that runs entirely on solar power. It opened on September 4th and will be around for just four weeks. The goal of this shop is to change the way people in London think about energy and eco-friendly living. They want to show that solar energy is easily accessible. Inside, you'll discover various solar-powered products, such as laptop charging packs, solar bulbs, kids' toys, and more. If you look up, you'll notice two big solar panels on the shop's roof, which provide all the energy it needs to power the shop.

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Where is Next Day Solar Pop-up Shop?

Next Day Solar Pop-up Shop is located at Neal Street, Covent Garden. Nearby is Covent Garden, London. Nearest Underground station is Covent Garden (approximately 250m away).