Java Whiskers Cat Café Marylebone

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Java Whiskers Cat Café Marylebone
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Java Whiskers is a Swedish-founded cat café in Marylebone and White City in London. The main aim of the café is to find forever homes for homeless cats whilst cat lovers can enjoy the company of their new furry friends, which has been scientifically proven to improve health and happiness. They serve a menu of coffee and sweet and savoury treats, like cakes, pastries and charcuterie boards. They also host a luxurious afternoon tea which includes sweet and savoury items like cakes, fruit and a drink of your choice alongside one of the café's cats.

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Where is Java Whiskers Cat Café Marylebone?

Java Whiskers Cat Café Marylebone is located at 105 Great Portland St, W1W 6QF, Fitzrovia. Nearby is Oxford Circus, London. Nearest Underground station is Regent's Park (approximately 400m away).