A close-up of a bearded man lighting a cigar with a golden lighter A close-up of a bearded man lighting a cigar with a golden lighter

The best cigar shops in London

London is one of the major global destinations when it comes to cigar smoking, offering enthusiasts a wide range of cigar shops that cater to every taste and preference. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just beginning your journey into the world of cigars, the city provides an array of cigar retailers stocking everything from rare, limited-edition smokes to classic Cuban staples. In this guide, we'll take you through the best cigar shops London has to offer, showcasing iconic destinations and hidden gems where expert knowledge, premium selections, and an authentic atmosphere come together to create a truly memorable smoking experience.

In this guide
  1. Where to buy cigars in London
    1. James J. Fox – The oldest cigar shop in London
    2. Sautter – London cigar shop for beginners and pros alike
    3. Davidoff of London – One of the most popular cigar shops in London
    4. Havana Cigar Exchange – Habanos cigar specialists
    5. The Kensington Cigar Shop – One of the best cigar shops in West London
    6. Tomtom Cigars & Coffee – Enjoy a relaxing cigar with your coffee
    7. Turmeaus – The perfect pairing
    8. C.Gars – London cigar shops for the modern smoker
    9. Bourdon House – Luxury goods for men
    10. Cigars Unlimited – Leading cigar specialists in Fulham
    11. No.6 Cavendish – Refined cigar shop in Marylebone
    12. City Of London Cigars – Where heritage meets craftsmanship
    13. Ritz London Cigars – Prestigious cigar shop at 5-star hotel

Where to buy cigars in London

London's best cigar shops

James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St – Cigar shops
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox St James's St James J. Fox Harrods James J. Fox Selfridges
James J. Fox St James's St
James J. Fox Harrods
James J. Fox Selfridges
James J. Fox St James's St James J. Fox Harrods James J. Fox Selfridges

The oldest cigar shop in London

James J. Fox, London's oldest cigar shop, was established in 1787. The iconic store has served renowned figures such as Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde over the decades and offers a wide range of premium cigars and cigar accessories. You can sample your purchases in the on-site smoking lounge, one of the few places in London where you can smoke indoors. Visitors can also explore the Freddie Fox Museum, showcasing historical cigar artefacts, including cigars owned by Churchill and the oldest box of Havana cigars in existence. In addition to the flagship store in St James's Street, James J. Fox also runs the cigar departments at Harrods and Selfridges.

  • 19 St James's St, Westminster 87-135 Brompton Rd 400 Oxford St, Marylebone
    James J. Fox St James's St
    19 St James's St, Westminster
    James J. Fox Harrods
    87-135 Brompton Rd
    James J. Fox Selfridges
    400 Oxford St, Marylebone
  • James J. Fox St James's St
    James J. Fox Harrods
    James J. Fox Selfridges
    James J. Fox St James's St
    020-793 037 87
    James J. Fox Harrods
    020-773 012 34
    James J. Fox Selfridges
    020-731 824 79
  • James J. Fox St James's St James J. Fox Harrods James J. Fox Selfridges
Sautter Cigars Mayfair – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Mayfair
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Mayfair – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Mayfair
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge – Cigar shops
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge Sautter Cigars Mayfair
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
Sautter Cigars Mayfair
Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge Sautter Cigars Mayfair

London cigar shop for beginners and pros alike

Sautter, established in Mayfair in 1961, is renowned globally for its collection of aged and vintage Cuban cigars. As London's leading Cuban cigar shop, it offers a vast selection of premium cigars, alongside accessories like humitrunks and other exclusive items. For beginners, Sautter provides cigar training sessions covering topics from the history of cigars to maintenance, with tailored packages including cigars and essential tools.

  • 106 Mount St, Mayfair 8 Raphael St
    Sautter Cigars Mayfair
    106 Mount St, Mayfair
    Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
    8 Raphael St
  • Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
    Sautter Cigars Mayfair
    Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge
    020-758 158 98
    Sautter Cigars Mayfair
    020-749 948 66
  • Sautter Cigars Knightsbridge Sautter Cigars Mayfair
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge – Cigar shops
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge Davidoff of London
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
Davidoff of London
Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge Davidoff of London

One of the most popular cigar shops in London

Located in the heart of the capital, Davidoff of London is known far and wide for vast selection of cigars, including hard-to-obtain rarities and vintage edition. The shop was established by renowned cigar merchant Edward Sahakian, who also operates a plush sampling lounge and cigar boutique named after him at the Bulgari Hotel, stocked with exclusive smokes from his private collection. This is a leading cigar shop for enthusiasts from all over the world.

  • 35 St James's St, Westminster 171 Knightsbridge
    Davidoff of London
    35 St James's St, Westminster
    Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
    171 Knightsbridge
  • Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge
    Davidoff of London
    Davidoff of London
    020-793 030 79
  • Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Lounge Davidoff of London

Havana Cigar Exchange

Habanos cigar specialists

Havana Cigar Exchange in Knightsbridge provides a wide selection of premium Cuban cigars, from limited editions to vintage rarities, catering to both novices and seasoned cigar enthusiasts. The cigar shop, located in the foyer of the Park Tower hotel, also offers cigar accessories, and its knowledgeable staff are on hand to provide expert advice. Customers can enjoy their purchases on the hotel's heated outdoor terrace, creating a relaxed setting for sampling cigars.

The Kensington Cigar Shop

One of the best cigar shops in West London

This elegant cigar shop in West London offers a refined cigar experience with its assortment of Cubans, including premium cigar brands such as Montecristo, Cohiba, and Romeo y Julieta. The specialist staff at the Kensington Cigar Shop can help guide you towards the blend that's right for you, and you can also find all the essential accessories for enjoying your cigars here, including books that delve into the cigar world.

Tomtom Cigars & Coffee

Enjoy a relaxing cigar with your coffee

Tomtom Cigars & Coffee has offered Belgravia's cigar enthusiasts a welcoming retreat to savour their cigars since 1997. The London cigar shop boasts a diverse selection of cigars from various regions, including limited and special editions, along with essential accessories like cutters, ashtrays, and humidors. In addition to premium cigars, they serve artisan coffee. The award-winning cigar store provides outdoor seating and a plush indoor smoking lounge, complete with wood panelling and soft lighting for a refined and relaxing atmosphere.


The perfect pairing

Founded in Liverpool in 1817, Turmeaus has since  grown to include locations across several UK cities. While the London branch is known for its expertise in pipes, it also offers a broad selection of cigars, from affordable options and flavoured varieties to aged Cuban classics, along with accessories like humidors and cutters. Additionally, the cigar store features a diverse collection of spirits, wines, and other alcoholic beverages, and its Mayfair location, exempt from the smoking ban, allows customers to enjoy cigars on-site.

C.Gars St James's C.Gars The City
C.Gars St James's
C.Gars The City
C.Gars St James's C.Gars The City

London cigar shops for the modern smoker

The flagship C.Gars store in St James's features a walk-in humidor with a selection of the finest Cuban and New World cigars, including aged and rare varieties. Visitors can also explore a range of premium spirits, while enjoying the comfortable sampling lounge where cocktails and spirits are served by the dram. There's a branch of C.Gars in The City as well, which also offers lockers for keeping your cigars in tip-top condition.

  • 23a St James's St, Westminster 30 Lime St, The City/City of London
    C.Gars St James's
    23a St James's St, Westminster
    C.Gars The City
    30 Lime St, The City/City of London
  • C.Gars St James's
    C.Gars The City
    C.Gars St James's
    020-793 070 95
    C.Gars The City
    020-379 559 26
  • C.Gars St James's C.Gars The City

Bourdon House

Luxury goods for men

Hidden away in the basement of Bourdon House, the flagship store by luxury goods purveyor Dunhill, you'll find a walk-in humidor stocked with a wide selection of cigars from Cuba and the rest of the world. The cigar shop also offers cigar storage facilities, and you can also browse the shop's collection of historic and very valuable Dunhill cigar lighters. If you want to sample a cigar on the spot, there's a pleasant courtyard you can retire to.

Cigars Unlimited

Leading cigar specialists in Fulham

Cigars Unlimited is an expert purveyor of premium cigars, humidors, and accessories, featuring an extensive selection of Havana and New World cigars. Their custom humidor designs are sought after by prestigious London hotels and discerning private clients. Operating mainly through their online store, they also have a cigar shop and opulent sampling lounge in Fulham, where aficionados can discover and savour fine cigars in a relaxing setting.

No.6 Cavendish

Refined cigar shop in Marylebone

No.6 Cavendish Cigar Merchants operates a bespoke cigar sampling lounge, fitted with lavish decor for a sophisticated smoking experience in the heart of London. You can select your cigar from one of the two walk-in humidors, well-stocked with Cubans, Davidoffs, and other premium cigars from around the world, available individually or by the box. Cigar accessories and cigar care products can be bought here too. There's also an in-house bar, so you can pair your cigar with your tipple of choice.

City Of London Cigars Holborn City Of London Cigars Chiswick City Of London Cigars Spitalfields
City Of London Cigars Holborn
City Of London Cigars Chiswick
City Of London Cigars Spitalfields
City Of London Cigars Holborn City Of London Cigars Chiswick City Of London Cigars Spitalfields

Where heritage meets craftsmanship

City Of London Cigars is an upscale cigar merchant with multiple locations across London, offering a selection of high-end and exclusive cigars, along with premium accessories. Their goal is to fuse British tradition with the art of cigar making, delivering a sophisticated and distinctive experience for both seasoned cigar lovers and those new to the world of cigars. Each store boasts a wide array of genuine Cuban and New World cigars, and the Spitalfields branch also offers a stylish sampling lounge.

  • 134 Grays Inn Rd, Bloomsbury 129 Chiswick High Rd., Hounslow 124 Middlesex St, The City/City of London
    City Of London Cigars Holborn
    134 Grays Inn Rd, Bloomsbury
    City Of London Cigars Chiswick
    129 Chiswick High Rd., Hounslow
    City Of London Cigars Spitalfields
    124 Middlesex St, The City/City of London
  • City Of London Cigars Holborn
    City Of London Cigars Chiswick
    City Of London Cigars Spitalfields
    City Of London Cigars Holborn
    073-099 993 75
    City Of London Cigars Chiswick
    020-306 297 71
    City Of London Cigars Spitalfields
    020-364 995 04
  • City Of London Cigars Holborn City Of London Cigars Chiswick City Of London Cigars Spitalfields

Ritz London Cigars

Prestigious cigar shop at 5-star hotel

Situated within one of the world's most renowned hotels, The Ritz's cigar lounge delivers an opulent smoking experience. The on-site cigar shop features a walk-in humidor stocked with an extensive selection of premium cigars, including The Ritz's exclusive collection. These can be savoured in the lounge's lavish setting, honouring the hotel's famous patrons like Winston Churchill and Roger Moore, with a drink from the adjacent Rivoli Bar to complete the experience.

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