Dear Jackie

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Italian restaurant
Dear Jackie
no ratings

Fitted with glamourous Murano lighting, red silk walls, plush seating, and other opulent touches, Dear Jackie at the five-star Broadwick Soho hotel provides an intimate, elegant setting. The restaurant serves dinner, with the menu revolving around contemporary Italian cuisine, including elevated pasta dishes such as sheep's milk ricotta mezzaluna with Sicilian lemon and marjoram, and modern takes on classics such as roast turbot.

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What kind of food is served at Dear Jackie?

We have categorised the cuisine at Dear Jackie as:

  • Italian
  • Pasta

What is the cost of dining at Dear Jackie?

We have categorised Dear Jackie in the price range Mid-range (£££).

Where is Dear Jackie?

Dear Jackie is located at 20 Broadwick Street, W1F 9NE, Soho. Nearby is Piccadilly Circus, London. Nearest Underground station is Oxford Circus (approximately 400m away).