M Restaurant Canary Wharf

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Meat restaurant
M Restaurant
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The M Restaurants provide multi-faceted dining experiences or so-called “gastro playgrounds”. Using international techniques, inspiration and ingredients, they serve contemporary upscale grill dishes with an emphasis on meat and seafood. Their latest addition, the Canary Wharf branch, focuses on Provençal ingredients and encompasses a cocktail bar and different private hire options.

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What kind of food is served at M Restaurant Canary Wharf?

We have categorised the cuisine at M Restaurant as:

  • Meat
  • Seafood
  • Steakhouse
  • French

What is the cost of dining at M Restaurant Canary Wharf?

We have categorised M Restaurant Canary Wharf in the price range Mid-range (£££).

What type of bar is M Restaurant Canary Wharf?

We have categorised M Restaurant as:

  • Cocktail bar

Does M Restaurant Canary Wharf serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at M Restaurant.

Is M Restaurant Canary Wharf child-friendly?

Yes, we have categorised M Restaurant as a restaurant suitable for bringing your kids.

Where is M Restaurant Canary Wharf?

M Restaurant Canary Wharf is located at 10 Newfoundland Place, E14 4BH, Canary Wharf, Tower Hamlets. Nearest Underground station is CANARY WHARF - DLR (approximately 400m away).