Viet Rest

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Vietnamese restaurant
Viet Rest
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You'll soon spot Viet Rest in Deptford thanks to its hot pink exterior. The interior has a crisp look with striking murals of peaceful scenes. The restaurant celebrates traditional Vietnamese food and culture, preparing dishes with fresh and local ingredients. At this friendly spot you can try items like salads, spring rolls, bun cha, several types of pho, and fried rice or noodles.

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What kind of food is served at Viet Rest?

We have categorised the cuisine at Viet Rest as:

  • Vegetarian
  • Vietnamese
  • Spicy

What is the cost of dining at Viet Rest?

We have categorised Viet Rest in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

Does Viet Rest offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Viet Rest has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

Does Viet Rest serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Viet Rest.

What is the atmosphere like at Viet Rest?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Viet Rest as cosy.

Where is Viet Rest?

Viet Rest is located at 113 Deptford High St, SE8 4NS, Deptford. Nearest Underground station is New Cross (approximately 400m away).