Pizzeria Mums Gårda

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Pizza place
Pizzeria Mums
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Pizzeria Mums Gårda is a restaurant on J Sigfrid Edströms Gata 12, Centrum in Gothenburg.

Pizzeria Mums serverar napolitanska surdegspizzor som gräddas i vedeldad ugn från lunch till middag. De går även att ta med som take away.

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What kind of food is served at Pizzeria Mums Gårda?

We have categorised the cuisine at Pizzeria Mums as:

  • Pizza

What is the cost of dining at Pizzeria Mums Gårda?

We have categorised Pizzeria Mums Gårda in the price range Budget (£).

Can I order takeaway from Pizzeria Mums Gårda?

Yes, you can order food to go from Pizzeria Mums.

Does Pizzeria Mums Gårda serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Pizzeria Mums.

Where is Pizzeria Mums Gårda?

Pizzeria Mums Gårda is located at J Sigfrid Edströms Gata 12, 416 48, Centrum.