London named as Europe's best city for street art

It’s only been a few weeks since London was yet again officially crowned the best city in the world, and already it can claim a new accolade. Now it’s been named as the best city in Europe for street art, beating off strong competition from the likes of Berlin, Madrid, and Rome. If you want to get even more specific, Shoreditch has won the crown for the best individual area for street art in all of Europe.

London got this recognition after luggage specialists Radical Storage analysed over 5,000 pieces of street art to determine which locations have the most street art and how often individual pieces are posted about on social media. With 28 million views related to London’s street art on TikTok alone, the capital really takes the cake.

It’s not really a surprise that this type of art is so popular in London – two of the capital’s outdoor murals have been nominated for the annual list from Street Art Cities of the best street art all around the world. Added to that, the Saatchi Gallery is soon to launch a blockbuster new show dedicated to the art form. If you fancy exploring London’s street art scene for yourself now that you know what a big deal it is, there are some great ways to do it, from visiting urban art hotspot Leake Street Arches to walking tours and workshops in East London with Alternative London.