Photo credit: The Butter Club Photo credit: The Butter Club

Square croissants are about to be even more of a thing with the arrival of TBC

It started with Le Cube Robuchon, Le Deli Robuchon's Minecraftian pastry taking over social media like it had been sent by the Borg. A new player is about to come to town, however – The Butter Club.

The Butter Club – or TBC if you're short on characters – comes from a pair of Amsterdam-based chefs and will feature their pleasantly squared pastries with different fillings – dark choc and cocoa nibs, cinnamon and pecan praline, or corn and pickled blueberries. 

The square croissants are just a small part of The Butter Club's offer, however, as it's a proper eatery rather than just a pastry shop. Based on their past experiences on the Dutch pop-up circuit, chefs Gabriël Verheij and Alexandre Scour will serve so-called “inventive luxury comfort food”, soundtracked by hip hop bangers. The menu will feature wonder- and saliva-inducing delights such as fried chicken with nori mayo and caviar, Hokkaido milk bread lobster roll, and fried buttermilk chicken brioche feuilletée.

The Butter Club has all the makings of London's new obsession, so don't be a square and get yourself over to Notting Hill – they open on 15 February.

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