Cocotte Richmond

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Brunch restaurant

Cocotte is a chain of French farm-to-table restaurants that offer healthy homemade rotisserie dishes. They serve free-range chicken from Evron in the Loire Valley, and make their own sauces and marinades are as well. There's a separate weekend brunch menu with classics like organic acai bowls and avocado on toast, as well as some more adventurous options like the sweet chilli-based chicken on freshly baked croissant waffles.

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What kind of food is served at Cocotte Richmond?

We have categorised the cuisine at Cocotte as:

  • French

What is the cost of dining at Cocotte Richmond?

We have categorised Cocotte Richmond in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

Does Cocotte Richmond serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Cocotte.

Can I bring my dog to Cocotte Richmond?

Yes, Cocotte Richmond is dog friendly, which means you can bring your dog.

Can I order takeaway from Cocotte Richmond?

Yes, you can order food to go from Cocotte.

Where is Cocotte Richmond?

Cocotte Richmond is located at 30 Hill St, W1J 5JW, Mayfair. Nearby is Piccadilly, London. Nearest Underground station is Bond Street (approximately 600m away).