Cutfish Sushi Bistro London

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Japanese restaurant
Cutfish Sushi Bistro
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Cutfish Sushi Bistro is an izakaya-style restaurant that originally launched in Moscow. The menu features fresh sushi and rolls on one hand and Josper-grilled delicacies on the other, resulting in a unique, authentic dining experience.

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What kind of food is served at Cutfish Sushi Bistro London?

We have categorised the cuisine at Cutfish Sushi Bistro as:

  • Sushi
  • Japanese

Does Cutfish Sushi Bistro London serve sushi?

Yes, Cutfish Sushi Bistro have sushi on their menu.

Where is Cutfish Sushi Bistro London?

Cutfish Sushi Bistro London is located at 96 Draycott Ave, SW3 3AD, Chelsea. Nearby is Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Nearest Underground station is South Kensington (approximately 300m away).