Café Bobo is located at Viktoriagatan 8, 411 25, Centrum, Vasa. Nearby is Skanstorget, Göteborg.
Café Bobo
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Café Bobo
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Café Bobo is a café on Viktoriagatan 8, Centrum/Vasa in Gothenburg.
Omtyckta vinbaren Barsac i Vasastan kan dagtid besökas för den som vill ta en matig sallad, en maffig macka eller en kopp kaffe. Dessutom serveras det som förväntas i en vinbar, just vin.
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Opening hours
- Yesterday9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Today 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Tomorrow 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Monday
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- Edit opening hours
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