Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30

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£-££ Burger restaurant
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Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30 is a restaurant on Andra Långgatan 30, Linné/Masthugget in Gothenburg.

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What kind of food is served at Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30?

We have categorised the cuisine at Göteburgare as:

  • Burgers

What is the cost of dining at Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30?

We have categorised Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30 in the price range Lower mid-range (££)/Budget (£).

Does Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30 serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Göteburgare.

Can I order takeaway from Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30?

Yes, you can order food to go from Göteburgare.

Where is Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30?

Göteburgare Andra Långgatan 30 is located at Andra Långgatan 30, 413 27, Linné, Masthugget. Nearby is Tredje Långgatan.