Tapas restaurants in Centrum, Gothenburg

Tapas, originating from Spain, are a collective term for a variety of Spanish small plates. In a tapas restaurant, you can typically select from an array of tapas dishes, encompassing everything from meats, fish, and seafood to vegetables, potatoes, rice, and more. Popular tapas dishes include patatas bravas, gambas al ajillo, pimientos de Padrón, boquerones, olives, and fried squid. Enjoying tapas is a significant aspect of Spanish culture, with these exquisite small plates being served in both restaurants and bars. Sharing tapas with friends and family is a delightful way to explore a spectrum of Spanish flavours.

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Are there any tapas restaurants in Centrum, Gothenburg?

There are several restaurants serving tapas in Centrum, Gothenburg. In our list, we have 14 tapas restaurants in Centrum, Gothenburg.