We have categorised the cuisine at Chicca Belloni as:
- Italian
- Mediterranean
Chicca Belloni is a restaurant on Rosenlundsgatan 4, Centrum in Gothenburg.
Chicca Belloni är en italiensk restaurang med lika delar ambitiös som okonstlad medelhavsmat.
By | Rating | Count |
| 4 |
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We had a late dinner here on a Saturday. The second we stepped into the restaurant, the DJ also stepped on which created a festive atmosphere. After an hour it was limbo and the dance floor was full, optimal for a party-hungry gang. It was really a party atmosphere so I really recommend going here f...
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A really nice experience with a tomato sauce that makes the taste buds rejoice! The drinks are well composed and the wine list impresses. For those seeking peace and harmony, this may not be the optimal choice, as the venue has a tendency to turn into a dance floor. But if you're ready for a sl...
By | Rating | Count |
| 4 |
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We have categorised the cuisine at Chicca Belloni as:
Chicca Belloni is located at Rosenlundsgatan 4, 411 20, Centrum. Nearby is Järntorget.
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