Gumman Elvira

2 ratings
Local restaurant

At Gumman Elvira they believe that every day is worth celebrating. Life is too short to wait until the weekend, your next summer holiday or some other future plan. "Memories for life can be made on Tuesdays too".

The menu at this welcoming neighbourhood restaurant includes a wide selection of cocktails, wine and beer and larger groups can order a bucket or jug to share. What about a classic Pimms or frozen daiquiri? If you're hungry you can choose from a range of smaller dishes ideal for sharing, flatbread pizzas, salads and sweet treats.

Gumman Elvira is a place you can always come to - on your own, with colleagues, families, friends or someone else special. The light, airy premises with its high ceilings make for a great atmosphere and if you want to check out the comings and goings, grab one of the tables on the balcony with views over the entrance.

Most importantly, come as you are.

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Gumman elvira är bästa stället i stan supertrevlig kompetent personal goaste drinkarna, för att inte tala om maten.. varit där flera ggr
ger 10 stjärnor av 5 möjliga.

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What type of bar is Gumman Elvira?

We have categorised Gumman Elvira as:

  • Cocktail bar

What kind of food is served at Gumman Elvira?

We have categorised the cuisine at Gumman Elvira as:

  • European
  • Pizza
  • Scandinavian
  • Swedish
  • Small dishes

What is the cost of dining at Gumman Elvira?

We have categorised Gumman Elvira in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

What is the atmosphere like at Gumman Elvira?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Gumman Elvira as cosy.

Does Gumman Elvira have outdoor seating?

Yes, Gumman Elvira offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Where is Gumman Elvira?

Gumman Elvira is located at Västra Hamngatan 24, 411 17, Centrum. Nearby is Kungstorget, Göteborg.