Dirty Records

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Café Restaurant Bar Boutique
Dirty Records
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Dirty Records is a café, restaurant, bar and boutique on Andra Långgatan 4a, Linné in Gothenburg.

Här kan du fika och lyssna på musik medan du botaniserar bland gamla vinylskivor. Utbudet är vegetariskt och till stor del ekologiskt och erbjuder lunch med inspiration från såväl Medelhavet som närområdet. Kvällstid förvandlas caféet till en lite mer regelrätt restaurang. Här serveras även spännande viner.

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What kind of food is served at Dirty Records?

We have categorised the cuisine at Dirty Records as:

  • Vegetarian
  • Mediterranean

What type of bar is Dirty Records?

We have categorised Dirty Records as:

  • Wine bar

Does Dirty Records offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Dirty Records has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

Does Dirty Records have outdoor seating?

Yes, Dirty Records offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Does Dirty Records serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Dirty Records.

Where is Dirty Records?

Dirty Records is located at Andra Långgatan 4a, 413 03, Linné. Nearby is Tredje Långgatan.