Arket Drottninggatan – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Arket Drottninggatan


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5 stars are for the café part. Awesome coffee (which competes against genuine Italians opposite) and pastries etc. The food is also good, café lunch. The shopping is good but of course subjective. Highly recommended for menswear and even more for children's clothing. Good prices.


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The room was clean and comfortable. There are both stylish, simple and timeless ladies, men and children's clothes in good quality and a corner with home decor. I could buy any amount whatsoever. There is also a café/restaurant that makes really good buns and salads.
A store you can...

Har gått in här flera gånger. Men är inte helt och hållet en butik för mig.
Deras stil är väldigt svensk och minimalistisk. Rakt, enkelt och enformigt. Visst kan man hitta något här, designen är fin. Men skulle inte köpa en hel out...

Härlig lokal och bra strukturerat, är du i närheten är det absolut värt att ta en titt in här! Tyvärr inte provat deras cafe/restaurang än men det kommer jag garanterat att göra!


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Was hoping for more of the sheet. Of course the plus for the café part but otherwise it felt pretty much like a little more H&M. At least in the Department of Men. The furnishing that I had hoped for was more of a small shelf with soap and assorted bowls.


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I do not know what I was most saved over... that there is actually a café inside the shop or that the clothes and those who work there are wonderful?! This is a shop you can take with it not so shopping happy partner to and who can spend his time waiting with a cruel bun and coffee in hand, w...

Butiken i sig har jag inte handlat i, så det är blir en recension av caféet. Fantastiska sallader och flatbread! Matigt och varierat. Superfin personal. Perfekt att pipa in när du behöver en liten paus i julklappsjakten!