Secondhand is a fun and sustainable way to bag a bargain - but it's not always easy knowing where to look. To make your hunt a little easier, we've rounded up the best vintage boutiques in Stockholm, with masses of one-off, pre-loved clothes to add to your wardrobe. Södermalm is a well-known secondhand mecca, but Östermalm, Vasastan and other parts of town also have some real gems for anyone looking to shop secondhand and vintage in Stockholm.

Where to find Stockholm's best vintage and second-hand shops
Vintage & second-hand in Stockholm
1Stockholms Stadsmission Non-profit stores
2Myrorna Bag a bargain
3Old Touch Many's Favourite
4Artikel2 400 square metres of secondhand and vintage
5Humana Second Hand Trendy secondhand
6Napoli Centrale Handpicked Italian
7Röda Korset Contribute to a good cause
8Arkivet Sustainable fashion
9Judits Second Hand Finger on the pulse
10Siv & Åke Hand-picked retro gems
11Beyond Retro Well-stocked vintage mecca
12Herr Judit Hand-picked togs for the trend-conscious man
13Lisa Larsson Second Hand Where Stockholm's passion for secondhand was born
14POP Stockholm Back to the Sixties
15118 Second Läder Leather pros
16Ruth & Raoul For both women and men
17Lotta Vintage Original items
18Broadway & Sons Timeless pioneers
19Aplace Exclusive brands
20Weekday Circular fashion
21ReRobe Curated fashion
22Sthlmgrön Hand-selected in Europe
23Lola Legacy Children's clothes in an inspiring environment
24Modern Retro Vintage mecca
25Slow Fashion Hub Three in one
26Boutique Finest "High fashion"
27Ninas Nuggets Curated selection
28Replace Fashion Passionate about sustainable fashion
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Vintage & second-hand in Stockholm
The best vintage and second-hand shops in Stockholm.
Non-profit stores
Stadsmissionen has secondhand stores all over Stockholm. By buying clothes, furniture and household items here you're helping people get back on their feet and into employment. Don't forget to donate clothes and other items you no longer use - one person's trash is another's treasure.
Skånegatan 75, Södermalm Hantverkargatan 78, Kungsholmen Hornsgatan 58, Södermalm Hagagatan 3, VasastanStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Nytorget
Skånegatan 75, SödermalmStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Kungsholmen
Hantverkargatan 78, KungsholmenStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Mariatorget
Hornsgatan 58, SödermalmStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Hagagatan
Hagagatan 3, Vasastan -
Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Nytorget
stadsmissionen.seStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Kungsholmen
stadsmissionen.seStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Mariatorget
stadsmissionen.seStockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Hagagatan Stadsmission Second Hand Nytorget
08-684 234 50Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Kungsholmen
08-684 234 35Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Mariatorget
08-684 234 40Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Hagagatan
08-684 234 01 -
Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Nytorget Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Kungsholmen Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Mariatorget Stockholms Stadsmission Second Hand Hagagatan
Bag a bargain
Along with secondhand clothes, Myrorna also sell everything from interiors and household appliances to books and games. Take your time and have a good hunt through the store and you're sure to bag a bargain.
Adolf Fredrik Kyrkogata 5-7, City/Vasastan/Norrmalm Götgatan 79, Södermalm Kolargatan 2, Hjorthagen Norrtullsgatan 9, Vasastan Hornsgatan 96, Södermalm Storholmsgatan 21, SkärholmenMyrorna Adolf Fredrik Kyrkogata
Adolf Fredrik Kyrkogata 5-7, City/Vasastan/NorrmalmMyrorna Götgatan
Götgatan 79, SödermalmMyrorna Ropsten
Kolargatan 2, HjorthagenMyrorna Norrtullsgatan
Norrtullsgatan 9, VasastanMyrorna Hornsgatan
Hornsgatan 96, SödermalmMyrorna Skärholmen Centrum
Storholmsgatan 21, Skärholmen -
Myrorna Adolf Fredrik Kyrkogata
myrorna.seMyrorna Götgatan
myrorna.seMyrorna Ropsten
myrorna.seMyrorna Norrtullsgatan Hornsgatan Skärholmen Centrum Götgatan
08-556 033 68Myrorna Ropsten
08-545 844 66Myrorna Norrtullsgatan
08-34 82 20Myrorna Hornsgatan
08-556 059 82Myrorna Skärholmen Centrum
08-556 461 70 -
Myrorna Adolf Fredrik Kyrkogata Myrorna Götgatan Myrorna Ropsten Myrorna Norrtullsgatan Myrorna Hornsgatan Myrorna Skärholmen Centrum
Many's Favourite
Old Touch is a favourite for many vintage enthusiasts, and it's easy to see why. The store houses everything from antique 19th century lace to vintage 1970s items. In addition to clothing, textiles, shoes, bags, jewellery, curios, glassware, porcelain, and items are also sold, and it's even possible to rent 1920s clothing.
Upplandsgatan 43, Vasastan
Old Touch
08-34 90 05 - Read more on Thatsup
400 square metres of secondhand and vintage
Artikel2, previously Emmaus, has been a popular haunt of vintage and secondhand shoppers for some time. You can find cheap basics here as well as selected designer items. If you've got plenty of patience you're sure to bag a bargain. The store is restocked every day to ensure the selection's always interesting.
Peter Myndes backe 8, Södermalm
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Trendy secondhand
Popular among vintage aficionados, this store's more than 200 square metres are packed with clothes, accessories, bags and shoes. The well-organised racks can include labels such as YSL, Gucci and Moschino.
Timmermansgatan 23, Södermalm Gamla Brogatan 26, City/NorrmalmHumana Second Hand Mariatorget
Timmermansgatan 23, SödermalmHumana Second Hand City
Gamla Brogatan 26, City/Norrmalm -
Humana Second Hand Mariatorget
humanasecondhand.seHumana Second Hand City
humanasecondhand.comHumana Second Hand Mariatorget
08-640 43 23Humana Second Hand City
08-640 43 20 -
Humana Second Hand Mariatorget Humana Second Hand City
Handpicked Italian
Browse handpicked Italian fashion for both women and men at Napoli Centrale. Lots of colourful pieces in comfortable materials, but also some items that can be considered basics. You can also rifle through a selection of edgier pieces and 70s styles in this well-stocked store.
Sankt Paulsgatan 3, Södermalm
Napoli Centrale
076-800 00 18 - Read more on Thatsup
Contribute to a good cause
Shop sustainably and donate to the Red Cross's good works at their secondhand shops. The stores' size and selection varies, but most of them sell donated homewares as well as clothes, shoes and accessories. With a little luck, you can find some real treasures.
Östgötagatan 67C, Södermalm Dalagatan 34, Vasastan Polhemsgatan 18, KungsholmenRöda Korset Östgötagatan
Östgötagatan 67C, SödermalmRöda Korset Dalagatan
Dalagatan 34, VasastanRöda Korset Kungsholmen
Polhemsgatan 18, Kungsholmen -
Röda Korset Östgötagatanöda Korset Dalagatanöda Korset Kungsholmenöda Korset Östgötagatan
08-702 08 40Röda Korset Kungsholmen
070-729 27 09 -
Röda Korset Östgötagatan Röda Korset Dalagatan Röda Korset Kungsholmen
Sustainable fashion
Trend-conscious and popular secondhand boutiques where they really know their fashion. They sell hand-picked clothes and accessories from a range of desirable designers, many of them from the latest collections. They also sell clothes online on their webshop.
Norrtullsgatan 33, Vasastan Nybrogatan 44, Östermalm Sergelgatan 18, City/NorrmalmArkivet Second Hand Odenplan
Norrtullsgatan 33, VasastanArkivet Second Hand Östermalm
Nybrogatan 44, ÖstermalmArkivet Second Hand Sergel
Sergelgatan 18, City/Norrmalm -
Arkivet Second Hand Odenplan
arkivetsthlm.seArkivet Second Hand Östermalm
arkivetsthlm.seArkivet Second Hand Sergel
arkivet.comArkivet Second Hand Odenplan
072-969 20 00Arkivet Second Hand Östermalm
073-232 70 00 -
Arkivet Second Hand Odenplan Arkivet Second Hand Östermalm Arkivet Second Hand Sergel
Finger on the pulse
Hornsgatan 75 is the place to go for vintage and secondhand shoppers in the know. Prices are a slightly higher than at other vintage boutiques, but this is usually justified by the extremely fashion-conscious selection. The staff really know their style trends here.
Hornsgatan 75, Södermalm
Judits Second Hand
08-84 45 10 - Read more on Thatsup
Hand-picked retro gems
Siv & Åke is run by two siblings with a passion for really great vintage finds. They sell hand-picked clothes and accessories from all over the world, from the Fifties to the Nineties. Jewellery, sunglasses and leather jackets - you'll find all these and more in their range.
Sankt Paulsgatan 20, Södermalm
Siv & Åke
076-244 40 06 - Read more on Thatsup
Well-stocked vintage mecca
Beyond Retro was an immediate success when it came to Stockholm and today it's a classic shopping destination, on a par with some of the largest etablished chains in the country. Their huge stores are filled to bursting with vintage and secondhand clothes and accessories, many of them from the USA.
Drottninggatan 77, City/Vasastan/Norrmalm Brännkyrkagatan 82, SödermalmBeyond Retro Drottninggatan
Drottninggatan 77, City/Vasastan/NorrmalmBeyond Retro Zinkensdamm
Brännkyrkagatan 82, Södermalm -
Beyond Retro Drottninggatan
beyondretro.comBeyond Retro Zinkensdamm
beyondretro.comBeyond Retro Drottninggatan
08-559 136 42Beyond Retro Zinkensdamm
08-559 136 43 -
Beyond Retro Drottninggatan Beyond Retro Zinkensdamm
Hand-picked togs for the trend-conscious man
Herr Judit is a well-stocked store for men with a serious passion for fashion. You'll find a hand-picked selection of second-hand items from highly desirable streetwear brands, accessories and more here. The store is a stone's throw from its sister store Judits Second Hand.
Hornsgatan 65, Södermalm
Herr Judit
08-658 30 37 - Read more on Thatsup
Where Stockholm's passion for secondhand was born
You'll find a wide selection of women's clothes from different eras at Lisa Larsson near Nytorget. The owner (Lisa Larsson) was one of the first to introduce secondhand as a shopping concept in Stockholm. This trendsetter's passion for vintage is obvious from her eclectic but well-chosen selection.
Bondegatan 48, Södermalm
Lisa Larsson Second Hand
08-643 61 53 - Read more on Thatsup
Back to the Sixties
Do you love Sixties and Seventies style? If so, POP Stockholm is the place for you. You'll find secondhand clothes from the Fifties to the Nineties, but the emphasis is on the Sixties and Seventies. Browse thousands of clothes, shoes and accessories in their jam-packed Åsögatan store in the heart of Södermalm.
Åsögatan 140, Södermalm
POP Stockholm
08-642 45 00 - Read more on Thatsup
Leather pros
If you're looking for something pre-worn in leather or suede, this is absolutely the place to come. Everything from biker jackets to winter coats, bags, accessories, boots and clothes are stocked in this store, which is run with genuine passion.
Odengatan 86, Vasastan
118 Second Läder
08-34 20 59 - Read more on Thatsup
For both women and men
Clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery, and other odds and ends of both vintage and second-hand standards can be found at Ruth & Raoul, which gathers items for both women and men. The range consists of garments and items from different time periods and in different styles, and from both unknown brands and designer clothing.
Hornsgatan 116, Södermalm
Ruth & Raoul
08-720 18 30 - Read more on Thatsup
Original items
Lotta Vintage on Odenplan has a loyal following among vintage shoppers. The store is full of hand-selected clothes, shoes and accessories from the Sixties to the Nineties. A lot of their stock is sold via Instagram before it's hung out in the store, so keep an eye on their account.
Upplandsgatan 45, Vasastan
Lotta Vintage
072-238 38 36 - Read more on Thatsup
Timeless pioneers
This family-owned vintage store was founded in Gothenburg in 1982 and is internationally renowned among vintage fans with a preference for military jackets, workwear and denim. You'll find garments to fill your entire wardrobe here, from canvas shoes to sweatshirts, jackets, jeans and duffel bags.
Hornsgatan 64b, Södermalm
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Exclusive brands
The secondhand department at Aplace stocks a carefully edited selection of high quality pre-loved clothes from exclusive brands. The store has clothes for both men and women, along with shoes and accessories.
Götgatan 36, Södermalm
08-643 31 10 - Read more on Thatsup
Circular fashion
As part of their goal to promote circular fashion, Weekday has a secondhand section inside their large stores. You'll find a selection of shoes, clothes and accessories, all carefully selected and curated by the staff.
Drottninggatan 65, City/Norrmalm Götgatan 21, SödermalmWeekday Drottninggatan
Drottninggatan 65, City/NorrmalmWeekday Götgatan
Götgatan 21, Södermalm -
Weekday Drottninggatan
weekday.seWeekday Götgatan Drottninggatan
08-411 29 70Weekday Götgatan
08-642 17 72 -
Weekday Drottninggatan Weekday Götgatan
Curated fashion
ReRobe combines the best of top quality secondhand and vintage and makes it easily accessible via their digital platform as well as their physical store on Torsgatan. Bag iconic brands, accessories and shoes all looking for a new lease of life. ReRobe ensures the quality of the products and works as a middleman, whether you're buying or selling.
Torsgatan 36, Vasastan
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Hand-selected in Europe
Don't miss STHLMGRÖN when you're doing a round of the second-hand shops of Södermalm; it's close to Mariatorget, along with many other vintage and secondhand stores. They sell hand-selected key pieces sourced from flea markets and markets all over Europe. There's something here for all ages and styles, from designer brands to y2k fashion. The shop is regularly restocked, but the rail of new clothes is refreshed on Fridays.
Swedenborgsgatan 3, Södermalm
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Children's clothes in an inspiring environment
Lola Legacy was founded by Hannah and Lisa, two childhood friends with a shared dream of making it easier for more people to choose second-hand through contemporary design, an inspiring atmosphere, and a curated selection. The store stocks pre-loved children's clothes that are given a new life in a slightly more luxurious package – at regular second-hand prices. Clothes are primarily available in sizes that fit children aged 0–10 years.
Odengatan 72, Vasastan
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Vintage mecca
Modern Retro, which can be found on Gotlandsgatan in Södermalm, is a true vintage mecca with clothes and accessories dating from the 1920s to the 1990s. Browse among everything from lamps to shoes and accessories. Much of what they sell in the store is deadstock, ie. unused vintage clothes from old warehouses.
Gotlandsgatan 76A, Södermalm/Skanstull
Modern Retro
08-640 72 92 - Read more on Thatsup
Three in one
Slow Fashion Hub is the umbrella term for Vintage Vitalité, Em's Second Hand, and Stinga Loving, all located here on Hornsgatan in Södermalm. It comprises two second-hand shops and a redesigner that sells and tailors clothes in comfortable materials and with lots of personality.
Hornsgatan 29C, Södermalm
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"High fashion"
As the name would suggest, this is a boutique with an emphasis on the exclusive. They stock gorgeous accessories, glam dresses, luxe jackets and highly desirable bags and shoes from brands such as Kenzo, Chanel, Furla, Miu Miu, Dior and Jimmy Choo.
Sibyllegatan 59, Östermalm
Boutique Finest
08-664 44 25 - Read more on Thatsup
Curated selection
Nina Nuggets in the Mood shopping galleria stocks a curated selection of pre-loved clothes that will inspire you to shop in a more sustainable way. The store is run by fashion journalist and influencer Nina Campioni.
Regeringsgatan 48, City/Norrmalm
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Passionate about sustainable fashion
On vintage-packed Hornsgatan you'll also find Replace, run by Anna Blomberg Andersson who is passionate about sustainable fashion after 25 years in the fashion industry. It's a well-stocked store with a small but carefully curated selection of seasonal clothing.
Hornsgatan 40, Södermalm
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