
3 ratings
3 ratings
Armémuseum in one sentence: Museum in Östermalm with a focus on war and the effect of conflict on the Swedish people.
Additional information: Also home to Restaurang Artilleriet, a museum shop and conference rooms.

Swedish wartime history from the 1500s to the present day 

Why do people go to war? How did people live during the Second World War? How did Sweden manage to maintain peace for such a long time? These are a few of the questions they address at the Army Museum in Östermalm. The museum covers 500 years of Swedish history based around war and the effect of conflict on the country's people. If your tummy starts to rumble, head to Restaurang Artilleriet, which serves lunch and dinner, as well as cocktails and weekend brunch. 

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Jag gick dit för att se på utställning ”Sverige-Ukraina genom 1000 år” och den var intressant. Jag fick se saker enda från Kyiv Rus tiderna.
Den vanliga utställningen var ännu bättre! Så detaljerad och mycket som man kan ta på,...

Jag är SÅ positivt överraskad.
Så detaljerat och välbeskrivet och believe or not intressant.
Jag måste ha sovit på mina historielektioner men detta är ju fan kul

Tre våningar av historia, krig, flaggor, pistoler, berättelser...

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Where is Armémuseum?

Armémuseum is located at Riddargatan 13, Östermalm. Nearby is Berzelii park, Stockholm. Nearest subway is Östermalmstorg (approximately 250m away).