Cavabaren – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Cavabaren

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The Cavabaren is a perfect place for a AW with good prices in the bar and a lovely stimmig atmosphere. Nicely decorated with (as the restaurant's name implies) a large bar with many seating areas. The longest walls are sofas with a café table in white marble.
On the menu, they offer...

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Cavabaren is perfect to either settle for a small AW or as a first place before walking on to the next lovely bar. We were a bunch of girls and shared a bottle of cava and some different snacks. Clearly worth every penny (cheap in comparison to many other places in the same area!) and Suuuperhä...

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Has been here a few times both with friends, colleagues and partner. A cozy little place with a great atmosphere in the middle of town. There wont be a lot of people here so it can easily get crowded.

As it sounds, cavabaren, you go here and take a glass of cava or why not share a bottle.

Listed in: Drink/bar

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At last (!) Stockholm has received a given AW-place that offers the whole package; Good atmosphere, prices and service. I have already had time to hang here all too many afternoons and evenings (with too many glass of Cava..) and had time to pick up which of the waiters who speak Swedish and who doe...

Alldeles perfekt för två väninnor som vill prata, äta något lagom litet och dricka cava! 4 supergoda rätter att dela på blev så lagom, 2 glas cava på det och 4 timmar bara flög iväg! Ingen som kommer och signalerar att man måste gå...

Otroligt trevligt ställe! Perfekt för en aw eller en fördrink innan man ska vidare. Trevlig miljö, snabb och bra service. Lite trångt och högljutt men det kan man leva med för resten är väldigt bra.

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A fiver! Cavabaren lived up to all the good I heard. And this review will be long..
This was a Friday afternoon and we had decided to celebrate our store managers with some good. We started already at 16, Cavabaren is mainly a AW place and it will be knökfullt at the time because everyone...

Cavabaren precis som de heter en bar med cava. Perfekt ställe för AW men gå tidigt från jobbet om du ska hit en fredag det blir snabbt fullt. Stor bar med flera sittplatser, ett stort långbord med barstolar som vanliga bord med soffor. Mysig belysning. Blir gärna liv...

AW najs! Älskar cava så detta konceptet är ju galet bra.

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Quite crowded here and usually always be full of people. Good place for a AW in the middle of town.

However, sad that they have now raised the price of a bottle of wine/cava.

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Cavabaren lives up to its name..... is just a cavabox where Cavan is served in cupped (copa) glass, at a good price in a simple but genuine environment. A place that STHLM needs, easy to slide in the bar and only take a glass of cava or if you want to stay for a while, share a bottle of cava and nic...

Fint ställe, mysigt och härlig stämning. När vi var där smakade dock cavan skaldjur. Vi kunde inte dricka den. Samma handduk som användes till skaldjuren måste ha använts till glasen för det smakade riktigt illa.

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Really good. Great atmosphere. Packed with guests. The staff were very friendly and helpful. Very good breakfast buffet. Gold.