My Dog Care is located at Jungfrugatan 58, 115 31, Östermalm, Gärdet. Nearest subway is Stadion (approximately 250m away).
My Dog Care
My Dog Care is a local service on Jungfrugatan 58, Östermalm/Gärdet in Stockholm.
MyDogCare erbjuder hundomsorg och satsar på trygghet för både hund och ägare. Den utbildade personalen aktiverar hundarna genom promenader och lek i parker.
Local service
Type of Service:
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Reviews from the web
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Reviews of My Dog Care
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Recommend staying as far away from this place as possible. Incompetent and rude staff who don't care about your dog's best interests, or not about your dog at all. When trying to talk and point of view, you are met with aggressiveness and rationalization. The worst place I've been to...