Aloë – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Aloë

Hade gärna slagit till med 5, för många delar på Aloë är det, men det hela mynnar ut i huruvida jag hade velat komma tillbaka och betalat samma pengar för detta igen. Svaret på den frågan är att nje, jag är väldigt nöjd med mitt be...

Loved the experience, the atmosphere, the food and the wine! The tastes are an amazing blend of different cuisines and all is very inventive. Perhaps almost too much food (?!!!) as we had to skip the post-desert treats.
Unfortunately the price tag will prevent me from making it a regular, but I...

Jag önskar att jag kunde ge ett högre betyg, men det var tyvärr några saker som gjorde att vi i sällskapet inte var så nöjda. Dels så blev det en del missar kring serveringen och servicen för vårt sällskap. Sen så var det väldigt...

Vi firade makens 65års dag. Fantastisk mat med flera helt oväntade och oprövade kombinationer. Personalen var fantastisk och gjorde allt för att få oss att känna oss välkomna och bekväma. Vinpaketet var väl avvägt och mycket gott. Vi fick sitta vid...

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Luxury restaurant with tasting menu in the MIDDLE of urbanization in Älvsjö. Barely so the taxi driver himself found there.
A villa that is completely converted into a restaurant. World-class service, food and drink. 20th century places where everyone sits in a circle and gives rise to...

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Fun location, good food, expensive money. Come back? No! Do I want it undone? No! Worth a visit, but not a return visit.

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With two stars and a price they have, the assessment is also required to be based on those conditions.

I would probably have liked to give a three but the food is so incredibly good so it had to be a four. It's still a holistic experience to be judged.

One comes there and mee...

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7th time we visit ALOE, the first time after the renovation. The dining room is rebuilt and the seating is changed so that all guests (except the shared table intended for larger gangs) are in the middle. The assembly takes place partly at the table which creates an interesting discussion with chef/...

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This review has been filtered out from the total rating, as it somehow violates Thatsup's guidelines for reviews.

We visited the restaurant a while ago and it was really a different experience, we felt satisfied after the visit.

Unfortunately, we got FOOD POISONING!!

Aloë's handling of the case was beneath all criticism, incredibly nonchalant and unprofessional.

Mistakes hap...