Tyvärr, i början höll dem kvallen men successivt bara slutat bry sig. Återigen ett ställe som gick från passion till att bara vilja ta i pengar utan att ge tillbaka i smak.
Icke prisvärt, icke prisvänligt och icke gott.
Quesadillas var...
Ok, jag har en förkärlek för latinamerikansk, och spansk, mat... Och inte bara för att mitt ex är från Centralamerika.
Jag kan få ett sjukt sug efter tacos, chili, bönor och churros och sent omsider testade jag Chelas tillsammans med en vän.
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The food was a total disappointment. Cevichen was so strong that it barely went to eat. The cod in Cevichen was not fresh but from the frozen back, that is, completely dry and dumb. The Tacosen with flank roast tasted absolutely nothing. The service was cluttered, we had four different waiters. My f...
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Sure it's OK, but... Mexican, it is perhaps more to the name than the food. Cevichen (or Cebiche, that's the same thing) please, however, a bit too strong for the common man. When we asked to get bread-very common to bring down the strength of the chilli-we were told that "in Mexico o...
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Nice place, good mezcal and cocktails, the enchiladas do not bite anything, and it did not have much flavor, perhaps if they sold some extra spicy sauces, because the red sauce they have either, maybe the flavor is moderate because it is in Sweden, but even if it is a real extra sauce , waiters had...