Kan varmt rekommendera detta ställe! Trevlig personal och supergoda korvar. Potatismosen till tunnbrödsrullen var hemlagad och var så god! Man går därifrån mätt kan jag säga 🙊
Mysigt ställe bland båtarna längs strandpromenaden. Gösta ger bra service och det finns ett stort utbud av korv, och till min stora glädje tre olika vego-korvar. Jag åt "Bondens vegokorv" som är gjord på linser, med detta Göstas chili-sås, ketchup och senap. Gott!
Mysigt ställe bland båtarna längs strandpromenaden. Gösta ger bra service och det finns ett stort utbud av korv, och till min stora glädje tre olika vego-korvar. Jag åt "Bondens vegokorv" som är gjord på linser, med detta Göstas chili-så...
Södermalm around is like a popular movement. There is hardly anything cozy left with taking the lap around on a sunny day. It's important to keep your tongue right in your mouth and cruise between strollers, runners and pensioners with the poles in the highest stroke while you need to keep an eye on backwards because the psychopaths on bikes are here too.
So it's not rest, so it's nice to slip in at Göstas for a sausage after the train bridge at Von Bysings (which, incidentally, opens when they feel like it). Here it is only open when it is not raining so forget your thought about taking a rainy walk and reward yourself with archipelago barbecue with sauerkraut.
Here you can buy yourself a simple boiled or if you want to hit the big time, take a spicy lamb sausage and sit down by the water and soak up the sun. If you'd rather have a bun, there's also.
I don't know if it's Gösta himself who's in the hatch, but he's nice and happy. Hardly stressful but more the style of talking a little while you wait for the sausage.
Archipelago grill (the sausage is from Wermdö delicacies) with sauerkraut is probably my favorite. I can almost put up with all these people just to get a sausage but quite honestly I do the following now: I go down at SöS, survive, buy a sausage and then up at Hornstull. Life is too short to fight its way around when it's supposed to be cozy.
Hot dogs that get tastier in the sun.
Södermalm around is like a popular movement. There is hardly anything cozy left with taking the lap around on a sunny day. It's important to keep your tongue right in your mouth and cruise between strollers, runners and pensioners with the pol...