Kung Carls Bakficka – ratings and reviews

Reviews of Kung Carls Bakficka

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The review refers to the brunch.

Had received a gift for brunch and bubble for 2 The only thing that went to book in the city was this place....

Once in place meeting we of a seemingly nice headwaiter but throughout the brunch I heard they run around and complain to all their col...

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Refers to brunch.
The cold part of the brunch buffet is quite okay, it is noticeable that the pot was put there. But the warm was heated freezer wings from the golden Bird. We had reason to celebrate when we were there so we ordered a Bellini, whereupon we double checked with the waiter if it w...

Priset är inte 140 kr, det är 195 kr. Jag var där och frågade och fick inte svar direkt, personen som tog emot var tvungen fråga två personer om priset??

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good local, ok salad bar, bad bread and could have been more main courses, there are much better brunches in Stockholm