The review refers to lunch and selection in the store with a focus on the fact that I like the range more than lunch. Oh, you get the idea.
Cheese and charcuterie, that combination of words is like turning on the tap to the stingy water. Cheese is life and before I stopped eating meat (there's no planet B and all that) it was my best combination. I was so happy when Odengatan's finest store opened in Saltå Kvarn's old premises.
The store has a good overview, the prices for "other goods" are the same as at Coop wall to wall, which is good and quite okay range. Would have liked a little more local products like Grön Stadsodling's spices instead of ICA's and we tipped about it so maybe it is already changed. The cheese selection is really really good and also the selection of wine by the glass above average.
I ate a creamy soup for lunch and husband omelet, clearly approved. The service was nice but totally overstaffed. It is certainly also fixed now.
Looking forward to coming back for a whole evening with friends and getting both drunk and full on cheese and lots of wine.
The review refers to lunch and selection in the store with a focus on the fact that I like the range more than lunch. Oh, you get the idea.
Cheese and charcuterie, that combination of words is like turning on the tap to the stingy water. Cheese is life and before I stopped eating meat (ther...
Ej ätit här men hamnat ofta för att handla i deras deli. Om du har tur finns nybakad focaccia att köpa, dreggel. Många produkter från Spanien och Italien. Massa ostar och ofta finns ett par utvalda till extrapris. Chark, kryddor, oljor, pasta, sött som salt. Grönsaker, dryck och en massa att köpa till en själv eller komponera en presentkorg.
Varje tisdag har de något det kallar för tisdags tian. Där 2-3 utvalda produkter säljs för , you guessed it, 10 kr Förutom deli finns det en del i lokalen där man kan sätta sig och få i sig mat . Chark och ost , ett glas vin eller bubbel på det. Under lunchen finns dagens.
Ej ätit här men hamnat ofta för att handla i deras deli. Om du har tur finns nybakad focaccia att köpa, dreggel. Många produkter från Spanien och Italien. Massa ostar och ofta finns ett par utvalda till extrapris. Chark, kryddor, oljor, pasta, sött som salt.