Lion Bar Mariatorget

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Cheap bar
Lion Bar
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Lion Bar Mariatorget is a bar and restaurant on Hornsgatan 55, Södermalm in Stockholm.

Billig öl och enkel mat får såväl studenter som pensionärer att vallfärda till pubkedjan Lion Bar, som finns på flera platser runt om i Stockholm och Sverige.

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What type of bar is Lion Bar Mariatorget?

We have categorised Lion Bar as:

  • Cheap bar

What is the cost of dining at Lion Bar Mariatorget?

We have categorised Lion Bar Mariatorget in the price range Budget (£).

What kind of food is served at Lion Bar Mariatorget?

We have categorised the cuisine at Lion Bar as:

  • International
  • Pub food

Where is Lion Bar Mariatorget?

Lion Bar Mariatorget is located at Hornsgatan 55, 118 49, Södermalm. Nearby is Mariatorget. Nearest subway is Zinkensdamm (approximately 350m away).