Sthlm Physique Sankt Eriksplan is located at Vikingagatan 22, 113 42, Vasastan. Nearby is Rörstrandsgatan. Nearest subway is S:t Eriksplan (approximately 250m away).
Sthlm Physique Sankt Eriksplan
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Sthlm Physique
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Sthlm Physique Sankt Eriksplan is a beauty salon on Vikingagatan 22, Vasastan in Stockholm.
Sthlm Physique är en stor massagekedja med fem mottagningar i Stockholm. Här erbjuds djupgående massage sju dagar i veckan med tidsbokning samma dag.
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Opening hours
- Today 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
- Tomorrow 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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Beauty salon
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