If I'm going to buy new running shoes, this is where I go, full stop. The range here is huge and includes almost exclusively the latest and greatest brands on the market. There are also clothes and everything else you could possibly need to shine on the street or in the gym.
And the staff, the service. Those who work here are as passionate about running and shoes as Winnie the Pooh is in honey. Whether you are a beginner or an elite runner, they treat you with 110%, they do everything in their power to find your perfect ice cream shoe. If you want to try out a pair of shoes, you can do a running analysis and foot scan, book you can easily do by going to their website / directly in store. Nothing and doubt!
The shoes in here are not here by chance and they cost accordingly. But with everything that Löplabbet delivers, I am happy to pay an extra money, partly to preserve the trade but also because we need genuine and genuine sellers out there who can show where the cabinet should stand and lead by example. World-class!
If I'm going to buy new running shoes, this is where I go, full stop. The range here is huge and includes almost exclusively the latest and greatest brands on the market. There are also clothes and everything else you could possibly need to shine on the street or in the gym.
Ingen i personalen frågade om jag ville ha hjälp, trots mycket bemanning i butiken. Jag fick själv uppmana om att få betala min produkt. När köpet väl genomförts uppmanades jag att själv ta kvittot ur kvittomaskinen. Jag erbjöds ingen påse. Butiksbiträdet bara lämnade kassan och gick, Utan ett endaste ord. Snacka om att förgöra ett varumärke!
Ingen i personalen frågade om jag ville ha hjälp, trots mycket bemanning i butiken. Jag fick själv uppmana om att få betala min produkt. När köpet väl genomförts uppmanades jag att själv ta kvittot ur kvittomaskinen. Jag erbjöds ingen påse. B...