Kaferang Nytorget

26 ratings
26 ratings

Kaferang, adjacent to fashionable Nytorget, combines bistro and café. This contemporary concept focuses on local produce, offering guests food and refreshments throughout the day and night. The atmosphere is both trendy and welcoming.

Breakfast is served at Kaferang with abundance of choices such as healthy chia pudding and acai bowls as well as an indulgent helping of American pancakes. For lunch, classic café dishes such as hearty sandwiches and salads along with organic coffee and homemade sweet treats are served. Come evening, the lighting is dimmed and a carefully curated Italian style menu is presented.

The industrial chic interior with its concrete walls, rustic furniture and sleek light pendants set the tone, the ambiance is relaxed and welcoming, with a side of Södermalm edge. Kaferang has a full license and is a popular place to swing by for an artisanal craft beer or glass of wine after work.

The outdoor terrace is ideal for people watching during the summer.

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Very nice, good menu and everything tastes great. The location is amazing. Maybe nothing extraordinary but you will definitely not be disappointed. Come back! 😊

Jättegoda amerikanska pannkakor!

Vill testa mer här innan jag ger en femma. Denna gång blev det en acaibowl den var jättegod! Väldigt trevligt, mysigt café och jättegullig och trevlig personal. Kommer gärna gå hit igen för att testa nåt annat gott!


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Copy paste from all the other cafes that have popped up for the last 5-6 years. Unoriginal and offers exactly the same as any other overpriced cafes with insta-friendly food.
You get happy with what you get, don't expect it to be groundbreaking.
Nice local, mys, blah blah blah.

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For a good pulled beef sandwich today at brunch. Value for money, great breakfast and very nice place overall. Coming back.

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The location is very good and the staff is very friendly and helpful.
I have eaten lunch here once, a delicious beef sandwich. Most recently I took a coffee at their outdoor seating consisting of a homemade raspberry cave and a cup of tea. Very good!

Jag var idag som vi brukar på Kaferang som ligger precis bredvid mitt jobb i Hammarby sjöstad. Det brukar vara supergott…
Men detta var den sämsta upplevelsen på en restaurang som jag någonsin varit med om!

När vi kommer in så frå...

Man måste testa deras pannkakor.. det enda negativa är oftast den otroligt långa kön.. hade det vart större hade dom absolut fått 5 stjärnor :)

Jag och mina väninnor är super nöjda med Kaferang . Vi va där på champange brunch och allt va över förväntningarna
Vi kommer definitivt göra om det snart!

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Some places just have IT. Kaferang has it for me. In this place you will find me often, safely with eyes on the screen, fingers on the keys and with a spoonful of their cruel acai bowl in their mouths. Maybe there is a cup of coffee from Johan & Nyström next door. Don't worry if I...

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Kaferang is currently one of my favorite hangouts in central Stockholm, very good food with a varied menu. A big favorite is the premises and associated furniture, the tables are a bit industrial and rustic - i mean not old fashioned but more stable. My partner has a favorite on the menu under grill...

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awesome good pulled beef sandwich with poscherat eggs and truffle mayonnaise.

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Clean, cozy place with great staff and food more than offset is of the same standard as many good restaurants around nytorget. Clearly a nytorget-favorite!

Väldigt härlig och snygg lokal. Bra mat, prisvärt och trevlig personal.

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Are you hungry for American pancakes, so are they really good here! A little messy, but it works well for a simple breakfast/lunch/snack. Child-friendly!


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A favorite place on the square! Always super nice and dedicated staff and their matchalatte is one of the South's best!

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I had a horrible first time at Kaferang with a waitress who made a complete fool of himself with order and treatment. However, I took it up with the owner and got a really professional reception. I have gone there a couple more times and this is definitely a good option at breakfast / brunch place a...

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Magical brunch! Finally staff who can make a real aperol spritz! Pulled Beef with poached egg and truffle mayo definitely cheers you up the next day. Maybe not original menu but super nice and tasty anyway!

I´ve been here many times and I am never dissapointed. The muschroomlevain is TO DIE FOR and coffees are always served perfect (if You like me enjoy the nordic espresso experience). Great space and very friendly staff! I recommend this for a late breakfast, a coffee or a weekend coffeebreak wh...

Stans bästa acai bowl och personalen är magisk!

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What kind of food is served at Kaferang Nytorget?

We have categorised the cuisine at Kaferang as:

  • European
  • Italian

What is the cost of dining at Kaferang Nytorget?

We have categorised Kaferang Nytorget in the price range Mid-range (£££).

Does Kaferang Nytorget serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Kaferang.

Does Kaferang Nytorget have outdoor seating?

Yes, Kaferang Nytorget offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

What is the atmosphere like at Kaferang Nytorget?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Kaferang Nytorget as cosy.

Where is Kaferang Nytorget?

Kaferang Nytorget is located at Skånegatan 81, 116 35, Södermalm. Nearby is Vitabergsparken. Nearest subway is Medborgarplatsen (approximately 600m away).