Unique Deli

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Unique Deli
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Unique Deli is a café, delicatessen and restaurant on Sankt Eriksgatan 70, Vasastan in Stockholm.

På Unique Deli vid Sankt Eriksplan serveras frukost, lunch och fika med gott om glutenfria alternativ. Delibutiken har ett av Stockholms största utbud av tropiska frukter och det går att beställa in en fruktbricka, så att du kan testa det som finns innan du köper med dig hem.

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What kind of food is served at Unique Deli?

We have categorised the cuisine at Unique Deli as:

  • Vegan

Does Unique Deli have vegan dishes?

Yes, Unique Deli has vegan options on their menu.

Does Unique Deli serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Unique Deli.

Where is Unique Deli?

Unique Deli is located at Sankt Eriksgatan 70, 113 20, Vasastan. Nearby is Rörstrandsgatan. Nearest subway is S:t Eriksplan (approximately 150m away).